Schedule of Condition Surveys

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A schedule of condition is a survey undertaken to review the condition of a property, typically before a tenant takes a new lease or before works are undertaken. The schedule identifies any pre-existing issues with the property or demise.

Both the landlord and tenant can benefit from a schedule of condition, allowing both parties to protect themselves from liability for damage or from leaving the property in disrepair. Schedule of conditions are also useful in party wall matters to prove damage on account of works. Contact RES Property Surveyors to discuss your situation and arrange a schedule of condition or building survey.


What is a schedule of condition?

A schedule of condition is a detailed document produced by a surveyor which reviews the condition of a property or demise. This is common for both residential and commercial leases and identifies existing issues with the property. A schedule of condition will include photographic evidence and will be appended to the lease.

Schedules of condition are also used in situations of building work involving a party wall as this covers building owners for pre-existing defects and allows adjoining owners to understand what damage has been caused to their property by the building work.

What should a schedule of condition contain?

A schedule of condition should be a thorough document, setting out the location of every item/area inspected and its condition. The document will include a written schedule of each item with definitions and an accompanying photographic schedule. The document will also contain details of any tests undertaken, as well as information about the date and conditions on which the survey took place.

What can RES Property Surveyors do for me?

The team at RES Property Surveyors has extensive experience of undertaking schedule of conditions and building surveys for residential and commercial buildings. Where an independent expert is required to determine the condition of a property, whether at the start of a lease or before commencing building work, we are able to use our expertise to provide an in-depth report of the property.

Need a Schedule of Condition in London?

Get in touch with our highly-qualified experts to arrange a survey of your property in a time frame that suits you.